Sunday, October 4, 2009

Composition at Home

So for this assignment we had to capture 6 different design elements. It wasn't finding the different kinds of design elements that I found tricky, it was getting a good image of each of the six. It was difficult because I ended up shooting this assignment on a rainy day, which meant slow shutter speeds and using my tripod. It was awkward setting up my tripod to shoot some of the objects that I choose because they were mostly small in size and all in different locations, like my kitchen floor or bathroom counter. I think I took a total of around 100 shots just to get 6 good ones, a lot of my other shots in the assignment were blurry or just out of focus. I did end up getting the 6 images I needed, but I was unimpressed by the amount of decent shots I got out of the 100 that I took. I need to start clearing my mind more when shooting these assignments because I still have too much on my mind when doing them and I think that is what is taking away from my work and outcomes sometimes! The rain was a big thing that had my mind out of focus on the assignment, but I realize now that I can't let stuff like that affect my work because you will never always get great shooting weather, you have to work with what you get. Here are my final six shots for this assignment:

Symmetrical Balance

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